Customer Review of James Innes Signature CV Writing by Vladimir Stojanovic

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James Innes Signature CV Writing

5.0 out of 5
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Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;

  • By providing additional timestamps via our Verified Purchase badge.
  • By publishing reviews swiftly whether they are good or bad (as well as responding to them).
  • By continuing to accept and encourage reviews on legitimate 3rd party review sites like TrustPilot and Google alongside our own review platform.
  • As soon as we are able to have our reviews cryptographically signed a la blockchain by our customers, we will!
A profile picture depicting Vladimir Stojanovic.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Professional Service and a Great Product Delivery
Reviewed on | James Innes CV Writing |Verified Purchase

Fantastic customer service with true professionals working on your CV. Had a very good intro talk with the man himself (James Innes) and then continued with his great team. The handover to the team took a bit of calibrating at the beginning, but I really can't complain.

Already with my fist job applications I had very positive reactions to my CV, which I hope will continue until I find what I am looking for.

The team was very open for any improvements and reached out for a feedback even after our work was done. Thank you and keep up the good work.

A profile picture depicting null.
James- Founder
Vladimir, I am of course delighted to hear your thoughts on our service! The proof of the pudding is of course those reactions to your new CV and I'm really pleased to hear they've all been very positive so far. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at any time.
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